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        BEAUTIFUL FOR   


        MANDY HALE








Broderick E. McGraw

My name is Broderick E. McGraw, a.k.a Dooley. Roxanne Jackson of Jackson’s Kare really does care about her community. She is very assertive, responsible, efficient, and quick with the process. She has helped me with the intake of a small claims court and all other intake court matters. She has helped with the complete intake and complete process in receiving my Social Security, and a “Blessing” at the same time. But what was so miraculous, is that I needed a place for me and my daughter to call our home. Ms. Jackson completed the intake process for my public housing and now I am in a spacious, two-bedroom, upstairs/downstairs condo, in Yucca Valley, California with my daughter and we are in a place that we both can call home. We are both so grateful!

Thank you for everything you do for me I love you “G” home girl keep up the good work.

Jerry Lemons

My name is Jerry D. Lemons, and Roxanne Jackson of Jackson’s Kare, changed my life for the better. After doing ten years in prison, I thought my life was over.  I learned that my life has just started. She completed the intake for my college enrollment, and I started college. Who would have thought that I would be in college? Jackson’s Kare thought I can be in college. Jackson’s Kare inspired and motivated me into the student that I am today. Jackson’s Kare follow-ups every semester in what and how I am doing in my college courses. This company actually cares! And now I am inspiring and motivating other homeboys to go to college as well.


Mary Hill

My name is Mary Hill. I have known Roxanne since 2001. We met at a college through students that we were both helping. Even though neither one of us was obligated to assist the students, we did it because we felt compassion and pride that these individuals were bettering their lives. Throughout the years we continued to help people within our community. One day we decided to start our own business so we can help more people on a higher level. This is not just a business for us but feel that this is our purpose in life. We have helped people from all walks of life. My company Mary Alice Services target market is Foster Youth, Low-Income and Families as Jackson’s Kare target market is Veterans and Inmates. I feel that our company works hand and hand. With the collaboration of both of our companies we know and are determined to be able to reach out and make a difference in as many lives as possible. I am honored to cross paths with Roxanne and admire her for genuinely caring about those around her. I have high expectations from Roxanne and know 100% for sure that she will accomplish everything that she is destined to do.

Laura Jackson


My name is Laura Jackson and this is my testimony... Jackson Kare is a true blessing from GOD himself. I have watched Roxanne nurture and cared for her community, help a healing hand to people for over 30 years. People of all walks of life, from family to homeless to veterans. She has always been an inspiration and motivation in my life. I have watched her turned many people life from nothing to an inspiring idols in their own children eyes. I'm not only proud of her as a Big sister with her own business, I'm proud of her as a beautiful black woman that truly inspires every single black woman across the entire world.

Kerry Dawson

My name is Kerry Dawson and I have been a client for Jackson’s Kare for several years. Jackson’s Kare assisted me with letters of credit disputes, assisted me with the intake for college enrollment and has changed my life for the better. I been in-and-out of prison for over 25 years, I’ve been in the easiest prison to the most hard-core prisons. After spending those many years in prison, I threw in the towel and gave up on my life. All I knew was hard-core, disrespect and never cared about no one. Roxanne asked me, many years ago, “don’t you want something better in life so that your children can have a future”! I was stuck, and unable to respond! At that moment right their, I knew I had to change and I changed.  It was Jackson’s Kare who told me I can do whatever I set my mind too. And thanks to Jackson’s Kare I have been crime-free, self-sufficient and on the road to triumph.

Jalale J. Love

My name is Jalale Love and I grew up with Roxanne Jackson of Jackson’s Kare. This is one company that is on point, no how to conduct business, know how to handle business in a fashion way and is very attention to detail. Jackson’s Kare was there for me when no one wasn’t! I did eleven years in prison and when I got out I was a lost cause. I called, Roxanne and asked her for help. She completed the intake for me to attend and enroll at CETA Truck Driving School. I love this school; this school gave me the confidence that I needed to be a great provider for my children and being able to be a productive and responsible adult. Jackson’s Kare has helped me with Housing, Cal Fresh, Medical, College enrollment and assisted with the Child Protective Services intake documents. She is a life saver. Jackson’s Kare gives you hope and Hope is what I needed. Thank you Jackson’s Kare

Jazznika Reeves


Hello everyone. My name is Jazznika Reeves and I have been using services with Jacksons Kare for quite some time now. Jacksons Kare has been nothing but a helping hand, and goes over and beyond to make-sure that I further my education. They always motivated me to finish strong. They have helped me from start to half way to finishing Community College. I’m 3 classes away from receiving my certificate in Administration of Justice, which means that Jacksons Kare will continue being in my corner during my transfer to Cal-State San Bernardino.

Mono Alungamonu

Not everyone one knows, what people are going through, when they are going through some pain. However, it is the simple and little things that can help change a person’s life forever and for the better when someone is there for someone who is going through pain. I had a hard upraising and a rough past, Jackson’s Kare (JK) reached out to me before I even asked for help in a variety of ways, it was unbelievable. JK encouraged, supported and informed me that I can succeed in college and graduate with honors. JK helped me to be modest and proud in everything I do. They taught me how to focus, how to take test, how to be independent and to never give up. JK taught me how to balance my schedule, how to prioritize what is important and what is not important in my first year of college.

 JK has influenced me to open up and be honest about myself in what I want to do with my life, in spite of what other wanted me to be. I had a difficult time in pursuing my dreams and aspirations, JK came along, and opened my mind to a variety of things that I can do and the things that I want to do.


I learned that I can do anything that I put my mind to do. I learned that it is my decision in what I want to do and what I want to be. Since I’ve met JK, my life has turned for the better.

 I graduated, got married, to my loving husband, Winfred and am currently living in Idaho.  There are so many others out there that needs help, if so, I suggest you call Jackson’s Kare because Jackson’s Kare cares.   There are many out there that needs help so let us help make this a better world for others to handle  by helping out another with their dreams and aspirations as Jackson’s Kare helped and supported me.

Thank you Jackson’s Kare

Geraldine Moss

Roxanne Jackson is one of the most amazing young lady's that I have ever met; she is a very caring loving and always looking out for others type of lady. . One day I decided to go back to school and she encouraged me to go back to school and informed me that I can do it. She assisted me with the enrollment, financial aid and registration process.  She walked me through it step-by-step, and it was good information to know because the process prepared me for the next year when it is time to renew my admissions, financial aid and registration process.  to know that there are companies who will go out their way to make sure you understand the process and I understand the process. Roxanne didn’t ever hesitate to help me I am so grateful that God blessed me to meet such a wonderful amazing young woman she is a go getter and she will help you get what you need in life, Roxanne will push you to your purpose I can go on and on about this young woman she helped my family a whole lot  I will always be grateful for everything she has done for my family and myself love always Ma.

Florastein N. Roberts

This beautiful woman of Jackson’s Kare has helped me through some tough times. Her heart is big, and beautiful. She help me get in school and help me get a divorce, she never gave up on me. She gave me hope, when I was gone give up. She is my sistah, friend, confidant, correspondence and advocate. Roxanne is a loving person and loves helping God’s people. Roxanne has been helping people since I met her. She has and will always help her clients when her clients are in need.

 Keep shining Jackson’s Kare!

LauraAnn & LaRae Jones

Thanks to Jackson Kare, getting out of high school in 2010, my sister and I was able to start college as early as six months after graduation. JK personally helped me with all the paperwork from admissions into the college of my choice to all the financial aid paperwork so I was able to pay for my books and any other necessary supplies needed as a college freshman. JK made my first year stress-free and was able to have an amazing experience, especially knowing I started correctly by getting the help from JK where they truly care about you and want to do everything in their power to help you be a better you! That’s totally Rocks Right, Right!

Leila Hasson

My name is Leila Hasson; I met Roxanne Jackson in Hayward, California, where we were both students, majoring in the Paralegal program.  When I met this incredible woman, we were in a mock trial working a case. And her passion and integrity immediately drawn me to her compassion for the Justice System.

What I didn't realize is that I was eligible for so many things, that could of helped my life to be a bit more easier.

Jackson's Kare walked me through and assisted me with the complete intake process for Medical, (something that I really needed), Cal Fresh, Social Security, to College benefits. If it wasn't for Jackson's Kare, I wouldn't still have Medical, Cal Fresh, Social Security, or a college education. Without Jackson's Kare I would not be who I am today!

Thank you Roxanne Jackson of Jackson's Kare

Kenneth Blumenthal

I had the great pleasure of coaching Roxanne Jackson at San Bernardino Valley College in Track & Field and Cross Country. Roxanne was the glue that kept our whole program together. Not only was she a "superior athlete" but she had such a helping  heart that she spent countless hours helping our athletes with their financial aid, housing and academic needs, with no compensation whatsoever. With Roxanne's help we achieved over ten (10 Conference Championships in Track & Field and Cross Country.

Even after she graduated from Valley College she came back to help our Student-Athletes with their needs with no compensation whatsoever accept the love she received from them. 

This was "Priceless" for me as a Coach. A saying that particularly describes, "Roxanne Jackson" is, "People don't care how much you know, until they know how much you care." Roxanne cares about People and that's why I love "everything" about her.


Kenneth Blumenthal, San Bernardino Valley College, Track & Field and Cross Country Coach/Instructor {1991-2015}

Shanta Franklin


Let me simply say that I need express my sincere appreciate for the support I have received from Jackson’s Kare. Roxanne personal commitment, time and incredible generous to help other people has been a life changing experience for me. 

I met Roxanne Jackson of Jackson’s Kare while attending junior college, at the time I was a pregnant young mother with two children. This was second endeavor at returning to school since graduating from high school. To be completely forthright, and tragically to state I was going for a check. My major was “undecided” and I knew little to nothing about the prerequisites for getting a degree. Truly, I realize that sounds insensible, anyway it’s my truth.

That all changed the  minute I met Roxanne Jackson who took me under her wings as a younger sibling and coached me with my instructive objectives. Today I can gladly say I have not one but rather three College Degrees, an A.S., B.S., and Master degree. Thanks to Jackson’s Kare support and resources provided by Roxanne Jackson. The abundance of instructive administrations and assets offered by Jackson’s Kare makes conquering deterrents effective.


Shanta Franklin

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P.O. Box 53121

Riverside, CA 92517​



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(951) 742-5618


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